Well, i'm married so i'll have to stary in the realms of fantasy...and what a fantasy he makes...just want to wrap him up and take him home...!!!!!
i've thought about this, the problem is there are so many wonderful choice's, i don't know where to start!
i always had a thing for tiffany, the singer, when i was younger!
Well, i'm married so i'll have to stary in the realms of fantasy...and what a fantasy he makes...just want to wrap him up and take him home...!!!!!
i'm now mentally scarred but roflmao!!!!!
i would date simon.
im not gay and neither is he but i think over the course of the dinner i could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues.
Just remember Simon;
if Terry turns up at an apostofest and you drop something on the floor-let Ang. pick it up
i'm now officially certifiable ... erm, i mean certified having passed my first exam:.
070-315 developing and implementing web applications with microsoft visual c# .net and microsoft visual studio .net.
i now have 2 more to do to get mcad status (ms certified application developer) and 4 more for mcsd (ms certified soution developer).
CONGRATULATIONS Simon, wow and well done- i'm so impressed I can't even work out the quote box properly -I have to re-type them !!! have a drink on me
Wow at Angharrad too; good to hear you're doing so well- keep it up
i'm now mentally scarred but roflmao!!!!!
i would date simon.
im not gay and neither is he but i think over the course of the dinner i could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues.
I'll sell the tickets.....
Hell, i'll even cook, serve and wash up and make the dream come true after that remark from Simon
i'm now mentally scarred but roflmao!!!!!
i would date simon.
im not gay and neither is he but i think over the course of the dinner i could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues.
(((hi you two))) I just know it it'll keep me smiling all day
i'm now mentally scarred but roflmao!!!!!
i would date simon.
im not gay and neither is he but i think over the course of the dinner i could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues.
i'm now mentally scarred but ROFLMAO!!!!!!
I would date Simon. Im not gay and neither is he but I think over the course of the dinner I could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues. And if that does not work he gets to be the girl.
i'll never be able to think of Simon again wihout this quote popping in to my headThanks Terry yours...????
if you wanted to, would you be able to convince your local elders to reinstate you?
you'd have to go to every meeting, sitting at the back, showing 'the right attitude' and not talking to anyone.
you'd have to do this for 6 months to 1 year.
I would'nt have thought that they'd suss it was you HERE Gadget; if that's what you mean.
I think-from my experience of information and the elders they just assume ANY information that argues against the policies of the WTBS comes from the internet now as there is really no where else you can get it from in such a huge overwhelming volume.
I used to try to find the origional source of the information, I phoned the UN and got a letter from them to show them, the Guardian site print outs etc as they always asked me where the info. had come from; and I knew they would dismiss it hands down if they thought it came from the web.Also court transcripts...Could you find some info.from it's origional source so you're listened to ? It worked for me for a while then they closed ranks and had had enough and dismissed it all as my lack of faith anyway!
if you wanted to, would you be able to convince your local elders to reinstate you?
you'd have to go to every meeting, sitting at the back, showing 'the right attitude' and not talking to anyone.
you'd have to do this for 6 months to 1 year.
Hi Gadget
Technically I could; though I could'nt think of any reason, except yours, why I would want to.
Saying that, I did stay around for quite a while just so I could quiz the elders on the UN stuff etc, and I strung it along with protestations about how much I knew it was the truth, but the allegations made it impossible to be the truth.because I wanted to go without them saying I left because I was weak, or because I was'nt good enough.
You're in a really difficult position and I can understand why you feel you want to go through this- it's all for the right reasons-but like most people, you can't live a lie and your life will become even more complicated the longer this goes on-2 years more??! You'll have a nervous break down or punch an elder by then mate
I'm hoping you and your g/f can find a way to keep them off your back with out going through all this - I 'm thinking there's no need anyway-they probably know why you're doing it and will keep you hanging on for years just to be vindictive...
When your girlfriend has got all her problems sorted out it may just all fall into place...xxxxxxx
what would life be like for everyone who lives there?.
frannie b
It'd probably end up like' The Beach'...or ' Lord of the Flies'....
.people become unpredictable, greedy and selfish
for me, the best form of a paradiasic place is in your mind - it'd never work -unless a big, powerful god ruled with violence; threatening to kill all those who broke the rules...that sounds familiar...
'god, i have a problem' .
'what's the problem eve?
'i know you've created me and provided this beautiful garden and all these wonderful animals.
Actually, thinking about it, you're probably right Simon...
If God were a woman she'd have sent her a bottle of wine, told her to keep the snake and ditch the bloke
(unless it was you, of course)